Category: Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter February

Find Your Spark February Newsletter
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February Newsletter
How to find your spark with ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching
Well, hello there!
We do hope you are keeping well and your 2025 has gotten off to a good start 
We have a few offers and opportunities to share with you this month.
We hope you enjoy and find it useful and if so, kindly share it with others who may find it useful too!
We now have a new ADHD support group for those who have been diagnosed with ADHD and are wondering, what now?! 
Well…you’re not alone!  Come join our brand-new group!! 
Here are the details:

Tuesday 1 April
The Chill Out Centre, Colchester
This is a safe space to learn, share and connect with other likeminded individuals 
Places cost £35 and are limited to 12 so get in touch today to ensure you don’t miss out!
And for those who would like to bring along an ADHD friend/family member, it is buy one, get one half price!!

Email [email protected] or text/WhatsApp 07928 132 387  for further information or you can book directly via Eventbrite below

Deadline to book is 25 March

We now have a CREDIT/DEBIT CARD TERMINAL OPTION should you prefer to pay for your sessions by card.  Please email [email protected] to find out more information. 
Please note that all transactions will be subject to a 1.39% card fee. 

You may remember last year Michelle speaking about the importance of having a good morning routine.  This is because it is something she has been doing for the past year, and it has made such a difference to her ADHD symptoms.  She shares this with her clients in their sessions and is now considering sharing this with non-clients as well so they can benefit from it. If you are a client/non-client and would be interested in being the first to learn more about this, then email [email protected] for further details.
So, that’s it for another month 
Thank you so much for reading this newsletter.

As ever, we look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Warmest wishes!
Michelle and Amanda
Copyright © 2025 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter January

Find Your Spark - January Newsletter
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January Newsletter
How to find your spark with ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching
Well, hello there!
Happy New Year 2025!!
We do hope you are keeping well
We have a few 2025 opportunities to share with you this month.
We hope you enjoy and find it useful!
We have a new addition to our team; an experienced clinical psychologist who can offer ADHD Assessments for children between the ages of 14-18 years old and adults.

Contact us to find out more!!

If you are not quite ready for a full assessment, we do offer a £50 pre-assessment screening to determine if moving forward with a full assessment is the best option.

Email [email protected] for further information on how to book.
We have already had a few enquiries since the beginning of January as to which groups we are running this year.  Find Your Spark’s focus this year is to increase delivery of our successful ADHD Awareness training to organisations. 

Last year we delivered this to a large charity in person and a global IT company online.  Next week we will be delivering this to another charity in the Tendring area. 

We do plan to continue delivering ADHD awareness groups to the public, however these will be less frequently as we now are looking to offer ADHD support groups for adults and teens!

The first ADHD support group for ADULTS, entitled ‘I’ve got ADHD, now what?!’ will be on Tuesday 1 April.  To find out more information or book a place, please click on the link below.  Please note that places are limited to 12 attendees so don't miss out!
We have decided to share our tips and recommendations via social media as opposed to this newsletter going forward.

If you do not follow us yet and you would like to see these then you can follow us on:

 Instagram: @findyoursparkadhd
Facebook: @findyoursparkuk

You can also click on the buttons at the bottom of this newsletter.
So, that’s it for another month 
Thank you so much for reading this newsletter.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you again in 2025!

Warmest wishes!
Michelle and Amanda
Copyright © 2025 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter December

Find Your Spark December Newsletter
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December Newsletter
How to find your spark with ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching
Well, Hello there!  We hope you are keeping well 😃

It’s December 2024 and the end of the year already (WOW!) This year has flown by at lightning speed we feel!  As this newsletter is not just about us, it’s about you as well, we are going to wrap up this year by:
  • Asking you some questions
  • Giving you a small roundup of 2024
  • Letting you know what to expect from 2025
  • A final ADHD tip to help you to prioritise over Christmas
  • Some ADHD podcast recommendations to listen to over Christmas
  • Our Christmas closing times and ways to contact us before if needed
  • And of course, wishing you a very Merry Christmas 😃
We do hope you enjoy and find it useful! 😃 Grab yourself a hot drink and a pen and paper to answer a few questions for yourself.
  • What went well for you this year?  List three good things.
  • What challenges have you managed to overcome this year?
  • What have you learnt about yourself this year?
  • What are you taking with you into 2025?
  • What are you most definitely leaving behind in 2024?!
Feel free to email me [email protected] with your answers, insights and how you found answering these questions.  I find that these kinds of reflective practices really help me be able to move forward with forgiveness and healing, so I hope this helps you too!
Here’s our roundup of 2024

What went well?
We ran 7 groups to the public this year, 6 in person and our first ADHD Awareness group to ADULTS ONLINE.  We also separated the parents and adults’ group as felt the needs were slightly different between the two groups and this seemed to make a difference. 

We ran 2 ADHD Awareness groups to organisations.  One online to a global IT company at the start of the year and one in person to the charity MIND.

We have continued to get regular enquiries every month and had our website revamped this year to display all the work we do and help we offer.  Sorting the website was definitely a challenge to overcome so I am so pleased that this is now resolved and it is looking so much better

We have worked tirelessly with over 100 people one to one in 2024 with great outcomes and testimonials.  All with the aim to support them with their ADHD so they are better aware, accepting and have some new skills in place to implement.
My USP is helping those with ADHD from a lived, felt experience not just from professional experience and qualifications.  I get why you and/or your child feel the way they feel and that for me is the most valuable thing!

How can you work with me next year?

Going forwards, the plan for 2025 is to continue the one-to-one coaching, making improvements where necessary.  With the one to one coaching sessions, you get so much than the actual session.  You get WhatsApp and accountability calls in between as well as follow up email support, letters and reports where necessary.  So it is a truly valuable, intensive service all with the aim of helping you and/or your child to live well with ADHD.

What we have learnt about ourselves this year is that we have spent a lot of time and energy over the past
18 months raising ADHD Awareness to the public via our 12 groups and one to ones. 

Groups wise, we will be focusing on delivering the ADHD Awareness training to ORGANISATIONS predominantly in 2025.  However will still be running a few groups for the public so do keep an eye out for that. We also plan to branch out raising ADHD Awareness to other target markets as well sharing new group offerings so watch this space!

What we will be leaving behind in 2024 is disrespectful and unkind behaviour.  Anyone who has attended our one to ones and group sessions will know that my three rules are trust, respect and kindness so we will be ensuring that those values are met in 2025 and the opposite of it can stay behind in 2024 please

Exciting!  For NOW - If you are feeling overwhelmed by the thought of Christmas then please be kind to yourself. Don’t overextend yourself or do too much so that you feel stressed.  Slow down, do less and go with the flow rather than going against what your body needs.  Thanks so much for reading this far of the newsletter.  As a thank you, read below for a tip to help with this… 
Contact us to Book for 2025

A tip that I have been recommending with regards to overwhelm, which coming up to Christmas, may feel quite relevant to prevent stress, is to prioritise the activities that are important to you and that need to be done, and which activities are less important and can be postponed or delegated to others.  This is useful when you have ‘a lot to do’ and ‘not enough time to do it in’ to pace yourselves better.  People with ADHD tend to take on too much and do too much which would make anyone feel overwhelmed. 

There are a number of ways to do this, however, I recommend writing down all the things that you have to do on a long list and then with the help of another person (or if you are able to do this, on your own) go through the list and decide which activities are most important and urgent and which are less so. You may wish to use pen and paper and highlighters to do this or do it on your phone or computer.  A few suggestions would be to number the list in order of priority, or you can tick the high priority ones, half tick the medium ones and cross the low priority ones or prioritize high priority items as green, medium as amber and low priority as red.

The next step is to plan when you are going to do the activities.  Using the prioritisation list you have written, choose the high priority activities and schedule these activities into your online or paper weekly diary.  It is useful to highlight ones which have a deadline and need to be done on a specific day or time.  Next, schedule in the medium priority activities.  If you have time, plan in some low priority ones, however any low priority activities, you do not have time to do, can be postponed till later.

Hope that this helps you over the Christmas period and into the start of the New Year.  Do let us know if so! 

Here is a podcast to listen to over Christmas - The Hidden 20% with Sarah Templeton who we think is a phenomenal human being so we hope you find listening to her talk about her work in prisons and the links to do with ADHD useful, ENJOY!

Listen HERE on Spotify
So, that’s it for another month/year! 

We will be closed from 23 December to 3 January. January is already looking quite full (!!) so if you would like any support in the New Year we recommend getting any enquiries about bookings into [email protected] before 20 December so we can do our best to fit you in
Thank you so much for reading these newsletters and all your support in 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you again in 2025!

Warmest wishes and Merry Christmas!
Michelle and Amanda
Copyright © 2024 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter November

Find Your Spark Newsletter - November 2024
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November Newsletter
How to find your spark with ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching
Monthly opportunities, suggestions and recommendations
Well, Hello there!  We hope you are keeping well 😃

November is Michelle's birthday month so we are going to start this newsletter with a question... 

Q – how do you know that you are in a much better place with your ADHD then ever before?!
A – when you are able to organise the first birthday lunch for yourself without getting emotionally dysregulated!!!  Only taken me 41 years but I got there eventually 😉 Woohoo!
I now want to help you be able to do similar things…I have learnt so much since my ADHD diagnosis and I really don’t want anyone else to have to go through as much suffering as I experienced before and during my ADHD diagnosis.  It can really be a hard world out there to navigate as a late diagnosed ADHD human but also as a child.
This is why I created the ADHD Awareness groups, to help solve this for others as there was nothing like this out there when I was searching for help for myself.
🌟 November Special! 🌟
Join our ADHD Awareness Group Sessions and enjoy an early bird discount when you sign up by November 13! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, learn, and gain valuable insights in a supportive environment. Don’t miss out—secure your spot today and take advantage of this limited-time offer.
The evidence-based ADHD awareness sessions will be delivered by Michelle Shavdia, who is an expert in ADHD within education, training, and coaching. She has ADHD and was diagnosed as an adult at 37 years old. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and her business Find Your Spark was nominated for a Start Up Award for supporting consumers in 2023.
7pm - 9pm

One of our attendees from the October adults group stated "This training more than met my expectations, I am so glad I got to do this.  Michelle is super informative and kind so I would 10/10 recommend this group to others to do.”
Our next ADULT ADHD AWARENESS group will be ONLINE!

This is for anyone who has wanted to attend the groups but hasn’t been able to due to distance or logistics.

I will be sharing ADHD challenges, pains, strengths, tips, coping skills and more within this ADHD Awareness group.

Come along to join likeminded adults who want to learn about ADHD to better understand and support themselves and/or their children.
Book now to get yourself EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!

If finance is a barrier for either of these groups, just email
[email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Here are some reasons why you should come along to a group via the impact report from the groups we ran from 2023 - 2024
A tip that I have been recommending recently, which has worked well for me is with regards to how to create the best ADHD morning routine. 

I am a big believer and extremely passionate in those of us with ADHD starting our morning well and not just rushing into our days stressed.  This is because when we wake up, we have a certain amount dopamine so it’s about asking yourself ‘how can I use this dopamine well?’ 

Often the first thing people with or without ADHD do is scroll through their phone, which let me tell you, which I am sure you realise, is not the best use of our dopamine or time!  The best thing you CAN do is immediately get out of bed, go to the bathroom and clean your teeth and then splash cold water on your face.  Reason being this is effortful and will help wake you up.  Then make your bed and get outside and do some exercise even if it’s for 10 minutes as sunlight on the face is good for dopamine! 

Service Recommendation: North East Essex Sanctuary - MIND

Podcast Recommendation: ADHD Chatter - Rizzle Kicks
Listen HERE on Spotify
That’s if for another month.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help. 

Please do not hesitate to share this newsletter with anyone else you feel would benefit from it.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
Copyright © 2024 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter October

Find Your Spark October Newsletter
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October Newsletter
How to find your spark with ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching
Monthly opportunities, suggestions and recommendations
Well, Hello there!  We hope you are keeping well 😃

October is ADHD Awareness month, which is great, however, if you are an avid reader of these newsletters or have been to any of our groups/following our journey, you will know that every month we are raising awareness into ADHD.  However that being said, it is worth noting that it is ADHD Awareness month and celebrating how far we and ADHD awareness have come this past year!
We are going to start this October newsletter with a couple of GROUP UPDATES as we have now run both the ADULT and PARENT ADHD Awareness sessions successfully in person in September and October.

One of our attendees from the October adults group stated "This training more than met my expectations, I am so glad I got to do this.  Michelle is super informative and kind so I would 10/10 recommend this group to others to do.”
Due to popular demand, we are bringing forward our PARENTS ADHD AWARENESS group from February to November!

This is based on expressions of interest and feedback on what was learnt, we are therefore running this AGAIN on 26 November. 
And, our next ADULT ADHD AWARENESS group will be ONLINE!
This is for anyone who has wanted to attend the groups but hasn’t been able to due to distance or logistics.
I will be sharing ADHD challenges, pains, strengths, tips, coping skills and more within this ADHD Awareness group.
Come along to join likeminded adults who want to learn about ADHD to better understand and support themselves and/or their children.

Book now to get yourself the SUPER EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!
For ease, here is a list of the groups we are currently and soon to be running :
  1. ADHD AWARENESS FOR ADULTS in person/online
  2. ADHD AWARENESS FOR PARENTS in person/online
  4. ADHD SUPPORT GROUP FOR ADULTS – 21 January in person (let us know if you would like us to run this online!)
Express interest in one to one or groups here or email [email protected] so that you will be first to know when confirmed.
On our website, you can now read the impact that the previous ADHD Awareness groups had on attendees from June 2023 – June 2024. 

You can find the full report
One-to-one coaching Services
For those of you who would prefer more one to one support, we are almost fully booked for this.  If you have any questions about it or how to get funding through Access to Work, do still feel free to get in touch! That does not mean you need to commit!

📞 Book a free 10-minute intro phone call HERE

📚 Read more about ADHD Coaching and BRIEF therapy for adults HERE

📈 Read more about ADHD Coaching and BRIEF therapy for children HERE

TESTIMONIAL: "I found the experience of working with Michelle to be positive, caring, supportive. I enjoyed being able to turn up for the sessions feeling disorganised knowing that you had everything in hand and had notes of what we had talked about last time and the actions I was supposed to take. This removed a burden for me. It was very helpful to talk about your experience of the ADHD assessment process as lessened the trauma of it."
We are going to wrap this newsletter up with a tip and some recommendations to help both parents and adults.

A tip that I recommend to all my clients is to focus on both your morning and evening routines to help with your emotional regulation and executive function issues.  Ensure the first hour and last hour of your day is consistent doing things that are relaxing and mindful so that you are set up for or calmed down for the day.  

I have found doing a walk first thing in the morning really helps me have better control and power of my mind and not be so distracted by external events.

What have I been listening to recently?

ADHD Chatter: Comedian Shappi K alongside her comedian partner Steen, who was diagnosed with ADHD recently speak about their ADHD experience

Listen HERE on Spotify

The Hidden 20%: An episode with Dr Tony Lloyd, CEO of the ADHD Foundation, dives deep into the world of ADHD
Listen HERE on Spotify
That’s if for another month.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help. 

Please do not hesitate to share this newsletter with anyone else you feel would benefit from it.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
Copyright © 2024 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter July

Find Your Spark's July Newsletter
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July Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
How to find your spark with
ADHD Awareness, Acceptance and Coaching

Welcome to the July Newsletter.  We have lots to share this month so grab a cup of hot or cold drink and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news before July is through.
Hello there!

I am going to start this July newsletter with a bit of a personal story.

There was a time when I used to have NO routine whatsoever.

I literally would wake up and just rush around not knowing what order to do things in.

As you can imagine, this meant my life was chaotic!
I would literally react to each thing that happened and have no idea what it was that I wanted to do that day.
Looking back in diaries from years ago, I can really see this illustrated by how messy and how all over the place I was, quite literally!  Zooming speedily from one thing to the next with no clear direction or methodical order to anything.  If anyone asked to see me, I would say yes (even if I didn’t want to) and would fit them in at the next available opportunity!  My life was a hot mess!!
I am happy to share that things have changed, and it has made a massive difference on my personal life and professional life.

I am much more calm, organised and clear on what it is that I want to do each day.

It's not perfect but it is much better than it was an again, you can see this illustrated by how structured my diary is this year.

There's a couple of reasons for this.  One, the ADHD diagnosis and then the subsequent ADHD medication which took about 9 months to a year to get right.  

Secondly, I have instilled a morning routine, which I stick to almost religiously that helps ground me and direct me for my day.
I never used to do that really and if I did, it would be a massive list of to dos on there with no ease into the day and not much rest.  Hence, I often felt like a headless chicken rushing around most days!

Therefore, I would encourage having a routine that sets you up for your day above anything else.  It has been a game changer for me.

It is this that I passionately recommend to my one to one clients including children, young people, their parents and ADHD adults as I find that life without a routine can feel overwhelming sometimes. 

I also recommend this to group clients as I think without routine, you feel like you are constantly chasing your tail and not on top of things.

Getting my ADHD diagnosis, however, was the biggest gamechanger overall.  Once I started to educate and make myself ADHD aware and therefore, investigate my symptoms, shifts started to happen. I have made steps to:
➡️ change my home and work environment
➡️ let some of my friends and family go
➡️ limit social interactions
➡️ ensure I get some form of movement in every day
➡️ understand what it means to be neurodivergent.
As a result, I feel more peace of mind and in control of myself, which I am sure you would agree is a good place to be.
I will be sharing further details of routines when raising ADHD awareness within the next ADHD Awareness Group in September. 

This one will specifically be for PARENTS. 
The Super Early Bird discount for this ends 25 July. 

The link to book is here:
ADHD Awareness Group Tickets, Tue 17 Sep 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

We hope to see you there!
I shared last month about the ADHD fidget rings for skin picking.  Whilst I do find them useful for fidgeting with, I have seen no improvement with the skin picking but I will keep it up for a bit longer before I completely give it up!
One-to-one coaching Services
I also shared last month about our one to one ADHD Coaching and BRIEF Therapy service.  We were inundated with enquiries as a result of this plus other marketing we have been doing and are almost fully booked!
If you have any questions about BRIEF therapy or coaching and/or how to get funding through Access to Work, do still feel free to get in touch! The intro call does not mean you need to commit!

📞 Book a free 10-minute or 30-minute (£40) intro call HERE
📚 Read more about ADHD Coaching and BRIEF therapy for adults HERE
📈 Read more about ADHD Coaching and BRIEF therapy for children HERE

📢 Express interest in one to one or groups HERE
TESTIMONIAL: Michelle came across as welcoming, open and honest and I felt that she would support my concerns with her experience; I feel that I'm so much more empowered in my thinking thanks to Michelle.  She is really fun, easy to get along with and I liked the various approaches to gain a better understanding of my brain and how it functions with ADHD.
We have just confirmed a further date for our popular ADHD Adults Awareness Group.  

We are offering a special offer for this group.  There is a Super Early Bird price of £30 until Friday 16th August.  Don't miss out and book below. 
What have I been listening to recently?

The Hidden 20%: Matt Willis from Busted talks about addiction and ADHD
Listen HERE on Spotify

ADHD Chatter: 
Rich and Rox from @adhdlove talk about trauma, ADHD and autism  
Listen HERE on Spotify

The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast: Dyslexia and ADHD
Listen HERE on Spotify
That’s if for another month.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help. 

Please do not hesitate to share this newsletter with anyone else you feel would benefit from it.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
Copyright © 2024 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

Add us to your address book

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Monthly Newsletter June

Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter
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June Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Raising Awareness and Acceptance into ADHD
So, we support ourselves and our loved ones better!

Welcome to our June newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month so as it’s been a heat wave, grab yourself a cold drink (or if you are one of those who still fancy a cup of hot tea in the sun!) and give yourself 5 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about skin picking.  
People with ADHD are known to pick their skin particularly on their fingers.  This is something Michelle has done since she was a child and she has recently begun wearing a fidget ring which initially she didn’t think was working however has started to see a difference after a month so recommends giving them a try.

We have been busy getting lots of enquiries via our newly released website: which has been super exciting!  Go take a visit and please do share with those you feel would benefit from it.   
ADHD Awareness Groups

We have been approached to deliver the ADHD Awareness for ADULTS training again!  We had not intended to do this so soon however are now in talks to make this a reality as we speak.  This follows on from our very successful delivery of the session to a lovely group of adults this week, which we have spent this month preparing for.

Testimonials included attendees saying, ‘it was a really positive and affirming session and I'm glad I came’ and ‘it was fantastic and really validating. Thank you so much.’

You will be in a group of likeminded ADHD adults learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves.

If you have not yet joined and would like the opportunity to learn more about ADHD, what it is and not what we were led to believe, then please complete this Expression of Interest Form
In the meantime, we are running the ADHD Awareness Group specifically to parents in September as we begun to realise that it would be helpful to separate the ADHD Awareness group into one specifically for adults with the condition (or suspect they may have) and one for parents with children with ADHD.

We are offering a special offer for this group.  There is a Super Early Bird price of £30. It will then go up to £40 and then £50. 

June has been spent predominantly delivering our ADHD Awareness group to adults as well as Michelle coaching children and adults with ADHD using her Coaching Psychology qualification.
You may be thinking… wait, what is coaching?

Coaching with Find Your Spark is focused on helping you understand how ADHD impacts you plus supporting you with your physiological, physical and emotional wellbeing.
It is recommended you have 12 x 1:1 coaching session which we suggest be fortnightly rather than weekly so that you can implement any of the goals you set yourself in-between sessions. 
This will empower you to unmask, overcome your challenges and achieve your goals by the end of the 12 sessions.
You can either book this in a block of twelve sessions, two blocks of six or individually.
Want to find out more?  Ready to take the next step? Email [email protected] to book in either a FREE 10 minute phone call or a £40 30 minute online (Zoom) call with Michelle to discuss next steps.
Michelle has been in the news again plus had the pleasure of speaking all things ADHD on a podcast this month.  Take a listen/have a read and let us know what you think:

Could it be ADHD podcast
Listen HERE on Spotify

Mersea Courier Article
See below
And as it’s coming up to summer, here’s a book recommendation that Michelle has been reading, which has got her gripped.  Its part of a series of books, this being the third and they have all been phenomenal:
That’s if for another month.  We hope you have had a marvellous June. 

Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.
And please do not hesitate to share this newsletter with anyone else you feel would benefit from it.

Thank you so much
Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle. XXX
Copyright © 2024 Find your Spark, All rights reserved.
We send special offers to all our customers and potential customers and anyone who opts in via our website

Our mailing address is:
Find your Spark
Beech Hill
Colchester, Essex CO3
United Kingdom

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Monthly Newsletter May

Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter
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May Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Raising Awareness and Acceptance into ADHD
So, we support ourselves and our loved ones better!

Welcome to the May Newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 5 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about routines.  
This is something Michelle has been trialling herself so is able to recommend. Pick three healthy small habits to incorporate into your morning routine and add these to your phone calendar as reminders to start from a day when it is realistic to begin. These can be something as simple as drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, having a healthy breakfast or doing a 10-minute walk. Initially you may find some resistance to doing it however after a period of a couple of weeks it ought to get easier for you and you ought to see a difference. Give it a try and let us know how you get on.

We have been busy these past few months working on our website as it has evolved so much over the last few years.
A special thanks to Koala Digital for creating.

You can view it at
We will do a proper launch soon.
We have been approached to deliver the ADHD Awareness training again!  We had not intended to do this till the Autumn however we are opening this up for one last time in June. 

If you have not yet joined and would like to, let this be the opportunity for you to come along to learn more about ADHD, what it is and not what we're led to believe

The focus of the group is for those who have a diagnosis of ADHD or suspect they might have.  You will be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support yourself.  

We will be running a group for parents of children with ADHD in the Autumn term.  If this is something you might be interested in attending then do complete this Expression of Interest Form
We are offering a special offer for this group.  There is a Super Early Bird price of £30 until Friday 7th June.  Don't miss out and book below. 

Everyone who attends will receive a lifetime offer of 15% discount off any coaching sessions booked thereafter. In addition, 
Access to Work Funding can be used for accessing the groups.  To find out more information contact [email protected].

Wait what is ADHD Coaching?

Coaching with Find Your Spark is focused on your executive functioning skills to help you understand how ADHD impacts you plus supporting you with your physiological, physical and emotional wellbeing.

It is recommended you have 12 1:1 coaching session which we suggest be fortnightly rather than weekly so that you can implement any of the goals you set yourself in-between sessions.  This will empower you to unmask, overcome your challenges and achieve your goals by the end of the 12 sessions.

Plus, our clients can attend any of our groups for half price!  Email [email protected] for further information as we want you to benefit from the training and believe wholeheartedly that it will help you to have the informed, empowered knowledge from these groups! 

Finally, Access to Work Funding can be used for coaching.  To find out more information contact [email protected].


We have also been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults. 


Group coaching is perfect for those who prefer a group environment to set goals, plan action, get support and have accountability. Suggestions for goals can include motivation for homework/revision, getting a better routine to manage time and implement self care or coping skills for emotional regulation. There will also be some ADHD Awareness shared within these groups.  Group coaching is also a more affordable option for many. 
All participants must sign confidentiality agreement to ensure safety of the group.

We are provisionally looking to run the Teen Group in September provided we get enough interest.  Dependant on how well it goes, we will look to run this on a regular basis.  If you  would like to express your interest for the Teen Group or the upcoming Adult Coaching Group then please complete this Expression of Interest Form.

Please share this with your friends and family who you feel would benefit from attending as will only run this if we get enough interest from people.
What have I been listening to recently?

ADHD Chatter: How to spot ADHD in kids
Listen HERE on Apple Podcasts

Sam Thompson's cheeky admission about latest antics with 'brother' Pete Wicks
That’s if for another month.  We hope you have had a marvellous May.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help. 

Please do not hesitate to share this newsletter with anyone else you feel would benefit from it.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Monthly Newsletter April

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April Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Let’s celebrate neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the April newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.
It was Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 on March 18-24, which is all about educating and promoting worldwide neurodiversity acceptance, equality and inclusion in schools and workplaces.  We delivered a training online to a global organisation which was met with rave reviews, more on that to follow…

This month’s tip is about Working Memory.  
I (Michelle) spoke to a global organization on tips to support them with various aspects of their ADHD and one of the main things she shared is how we, as people with ADHD, need to borrow our phones notepads (or an actual phonepad!) as our working memory as it has been compromised by ADHD.  This tip was shared by the eminent psychiatrist of ADHD, Dr Russell Barkley.

Whenever you get a thought, don’t think, I will remember that later.  No you won’t if you have ADHD, write it in your phone’s notes.  If someone tells you something of interest, again don’t think, I will remember that later.  No, you won’t, put it in your notes.

Then, weekly go through these notes and add any reminders such as appointments or obligations to your phone calendar so that you don’t miss or forget these.  This is what I do and is the thing that really helps me keep on top of things and ensure that things are in order/I don’t forget to do things/go to appointments.  Simple, yet effective as usually the best things are.  Try it and let us know how you get on.

We have been approached to deliver training to schools and organisations.  For organisations not yet at a stage to prioritise neurodivergence, now may be the time to start thinking about and planning for this.  There have been lots of disability grievances recently which is obviously something you would want to avoid as ADHD is protected by the Equality Act (2010) so organisations and schools have a duty of care and responsibility to support these individuals.
What is covered in these sessions? 
  • Why is it important to talk about ADHD and break down the stigma of disclosing this disability?
  • Background and timeline of ADHD.
  • ADHD symptoms.
  • Challenges of the condition.
  • Strengths of the condition and how to communicate the strengths you bring to the workplace.
  • What does this look like in the workplace and what are the unique experiences?
  • ADHD coping skills and tools.
  • What are reasonable adjustments at work?
  • How can employers support those with ADHD and make the workplace more inclusive
Individuals with ADHD are a real asset to an organisation but in order for them to thrive they need to understand how their ADHD impacts them as do the organisation as well as have an awareness of their strengths and what support is reasonably required.

Michelle spoke online about ADHD Awareness to a global IT company.  Below are some of the testimonials received.

If you are a school interested in having this ADHD awareness training, please complete this Enquiry Form.

If you are an organisation interested in having this ADHD awareness training, please complete this Enquiry Form.
Further to the sold-out group session in January, we are running a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre. 

This will be the last in person session of these for the foreseeable as do not have any more planned, so if you have not yet joined, come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe

This follows on from our delivery of this session to a global IT organisation who were blown away by the insights, knowledge and perspective shared.  You will be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better. 

Final deadline to book is 1pm on Friday 12 April.  There is a buy one, get one half price offer and all those who attend, will receive a 15% discount off any coaching sessions booked thereafter.
We’re excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant again (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.

There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.

Early Bird Discount ends on 23 April and all those who attend, will receive a 15% discount off any coaching sessions booked thereafter. 

Again, this is the last planned session for this so if you were interested, please book as we do not know if we will run this again.

We have been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults for the public.

Group coaching is perfect for those who prefer a group environment to set goals, plan action, get support and have accountability. Suggestions for goals can include motivation for homework/revision, getting a better routine to manage time and implement self care or coping skills for emotional regulation.

There will also be some ADHD Awareness shared within these groups.  Group coaching is also a more affordable option for many. 

All participants must sign confidentiality agreements to ensure the safety of the group.

We are provisionally looking to run the teen/11 plus group on Saturday 6 July (TBC) and dependant on how well it goes, will look to run this on a regular basis. 

If you would like to express your interest for the teen group or the upcoming adult coaching group, please complete this Expression of Interest Form.

We recently met with Kierran Pearce of the Multi-Schools Council and were very impressed by their ethos and the good things they are doing for the children with additional needs in Essex. 

The Multi-Schools Council is all about working with young people to help challenge negative perceptions towards young people with SEND – if you wish to find out more please visit their website HERE.
That’s it for another month.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Monthly Newsletter March

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March Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Let’s celebrate neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the March newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about Time Blindness.  
ADHD children and adults tend to be blind to time.  Time blindness is a cognitive condition that causes challenges in perceiving and managing time which often leads to challenges in punctuality and planning.  Its an inability to sense how much time has passed and estimate the time that is needed to get something done.  ADHD people basically perceive time differently.
Something that works for children as well as for adults is having a visual time such as this Countdown Clock or using the Pomodoro Technique so children (and adults) realise how much time they have left to either get ready, be on their PlayStation etc., before having to leave to go to school/work…
Give it a try and let us know how you get on!!!
Further to the sold-out group session in January, I’m delighted to advise that we have confirmed a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre. 

Come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe and be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better. 

We are running an Early Bird Offer on single and two person tickets ending on 26 March, and based on feedback from the last group, for this month only, we are opening this up to parents to bring their child with them providing they are of secondary school age. 


Michelle spoke at the Tri Service (fire, police and emergency services) International Women’s Day Conference a couple of weeks ago on the topic of ADHD and menopause.  This is a HOT topic at the moment as there is a link between ADHD and hormones from puberty, pregnancy, peri menopause and menopause.  This is why a lot of women going through the perimenopause and menopause are getting diagnosed with ADHD later in life as symptoms are exacerbated at these pivotal times.

If this is something you have been impacted by and would like to reach out about, please do as Michelle would be open to helping either be it in a one to one or group capacity dependant on interest.  Email [email protected] to express your interest.
We have also been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults for the public.  If you too would like to express your interest, please complete this Expression of Interest Form.

Additionally, we have been approached to deliver training to schools and organisations.  Therefore if you are a school or organisation, please complete this Schools and Organisations Enquiry Form.
We’re excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant again (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.

There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.

Early Bird Discount ends on 23 April.
Find Your Spark Blog
ADHD in the Workplace

ADHD and Driving
How does ADHD Affect Driving (Shamieh Law)
Chill Out Centre where we run our public groups.
Did you see us in the news again? 
Podcast Recommendations

Carrie Grant "What is Normal?"  The Hidden 20%
Listen here on Spotify

The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast
Connecting Hormones and Psychiatry to help more ADHD women with Dr Lotta Borg Skoglund

Listen here on Spotify
That’s it for another month.  We hope you have a wonderful Easter and do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Our mailing address is:

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