March Newsletter Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Let’s celebrate neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the March newsletter. We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.
This month’s tip is about Time Blindness. ADHD children and adults tend to be blind to time. Time blindness is a cognitive condition that causes challenges in perceiving and managing time which often leads to challenges in punctuality and planning. Its an inability to sense how much time has passed and estimate the time that is needed to get something done. ADHD people basically perceive time differently.
Something that works for children as well as for adults is having a visual time such as this Countdown Clock or using the Pomodoro Technique so children (and adults) realise how much time they have left to either get ready, be on their PlayStation etc., before having to leave to go to school/work…
Give it a try and let us know how you get on!!!
Further to the sold-out group session in January, I’m delighted to advise that we have confirmed a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre.
Come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe and be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better.
We are running an Early Bird Offer on single and two person tickets ending on 26 March, and based on feedback from the last group, for this month only, we are opening this up to parents to bring their child with them providing they are of secondary school age.
Michelle spoke at the Tri Service (fire, police and emergency services) International Women’s Day Conference a couple of weeks ago on the topic of ADHD and menopause. This is a HOT topic at the moment as there is a link between ADHD and hormones from puberty, pregnancy, peri menopause and menopause. This is why a lot of women going through the perimenopause and menopause are getting diagnosed with ADHD later in life as symptoms are exacerbated at these pivotal times.
If this is something you have been impacted by and would like to reach out about, please do as Michelle would be open to helping either be it in a one to one or group capacity dependant on interest. Email [email protected] to express your interest.
We have also been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults for the public. If you too would like to express your interest, please complete this Expression of Interest Form.
Additionally, we have been approached to deliver training to schools and organisations. Therefore if you are a school or organisation, please complete this Schools and Organisations Enquiry Form.
We’re excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant again (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.
There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.
The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast
Connecting Hormones and Psychiatry to help more ADHD women with Dr Lotta Borg Skoglund Listen here on Spotify
That’s it for another month. We hope you have a wonderful Easter and do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.