Late diagnosed ADHD Coach, raising awareness and acceptance into ADHD for adults, young people and their parents using coaching psychology.
We accept Access to Work funding for adults.

Founder of Find Your Spark - Michelle Shavdia, Psychologist and ADHD Coach

"When I was looking for help for my neurodivergence, there was nothing for adults, it was all geared towards children. This made it challenging to cope and navigate the system therefore when I finally got my diagnosis I wanted to create something to help adults like me so they could get the support I needed. People with ADHD are at greater risk of self-harm and suicide (5 times more likely) therefore it is important for there to be accessible ADHD support and awareness from someone who really understands and gets the ADHD lived experience, not just read about it in a textbook!".

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Our Services

One-to-one ADHD Coaching

We provide one-to-one ADHD Coaching to help individuals manage challenges like focus, time management and motivation. Using ADHD coaching and BRIEF therapy, we build confidence and self-acceptance, developing the understanding that you're not broken - just different and deserving of understanding. We also offer tailored ADHD Awareness courses for Adults (18+) and Children with their Parents.

ADHD Awareness and support Groups

We offer ADHD groups to foster understanding and acceptance of this often misunderstood condition. Our group courses—designed for Adults (18+), parents, schools, and organisations as well as support groups— help increase confidence and knowledge in discussing ADHD while promoting a supportive and informed environment. These sessions aim to raise awareness, challenge misconceptions, and empower participants with practical insights and strategies to help with ADHD.

ADHD Assessments and Pre Assessments

Discover whether you might have ADHD with our personalised screening process. We offer private ADHD assessments for both adults and children. Our tailored initial screening is designed to help you determine if moving forward with a full assessment is the right step for you. Our assessments are conducted by our experienced clinical psychologist. Contact us to find out more!


Support assistant in Essex School

I enjoyed the sessions and believe it was really helpful to the students. I would love for it to be run again and further support to be offered to this group.

Parent of ADHD child

I just wanted to say thank you so much for providing this group... understanding my own needs can only make me a better parent to my neurodiverse children.

ADHD coaching client (child) via parent

He feels more confident and is able to talk aloud more in front of others. Its helped with his anger and he feels calmer and is able to sit down for longer.

ADHD coaching client

It's such a scary time going through the ADHD process...It's so much easier knowing you have people around you who have been through this before and who want to help.

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