September 2015

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3di-ofsted-personal-developmentUpdated Ofsted (September 2015)

This month, we will be looking at the updated Ofsted judgements and how this affects PSHE.  

Ofsted requirements have stated that:

‘Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which: 

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
  • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’

As of September 2015, a judgement on Personal Development and welfare has come into play which aligns with our view that education is committed to the preparing of the whole child (Huitt, 2010).

Here are the statements on personal development, behaviour and welfare from the Common Inspection Framework.

Inspectors will make a judgement on the personal development, behaviour and welfare of children and learners by evaluating the extent to which the provision is successfully promoting and supporting children’s and other learners’:

  • pride in achievement and commitment to learning, supported by a positive culture across the whole provider

  • self-confidence, self-awareness and understanding of how to be a successful learner

  • choices about the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training, where relevant, from impartial careers advice and guidance

  • where relevant, employability skills so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training

  • prompt and regular attendance

  • following of any guidelines for behaviour and conduct, including management of their own feelings and behaviour, and how they relate to others

  • understanding of how to keep themselves safe from relevant risks such as abuse, sexual exploitation and extremism, including when using the internet and social media

  • knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy, both emotionally and physically, including through exercising and healthy eating

  • personal development, so that they are well prepared to respect others and contribute to wider society and life in Britain

    Sir Michael Wilshaw wrote about the value of wellbeing in his recent letter to schools (7th July 2015).

    “Thank you for all the hard work you and your staff and governors are doing to raise standards and improve children’s lives. I know you are as committed as I am to improving education for all.”

    Our education system ought to be about improving children’s lives – now and in their future and whilst we are a long way from having multiple intelligences accepted by the education system, personal, social, physical and spiritual intelligence are beginning to get a mention which is a definite improvement so we are feeling very optimistic at Find Your Spark!