Positive psychology coaching research

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Check out the positive psychology coaching research by founder Michelle Pritchard & Christian van Nieuwerburgh

Objectives: The research sought to analyse the perceptual life changes and perceived quality of life (PQoL) subsequent to participating in an integrated coaching and PPI programme.

Design: A qualitative approach was employed and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was utilised to analyse the data.

Method: Three girls from an inner-city London school were selected to participate. Semi-structured interviews were used.

Results: Three key themes emerged: the ability to control emotions/reactions; increased experience of positive emotions/thoughts; and the identification of purpose and meaning to life.

Conclusion: The participants reported that participating in the programme brought the benefit of an improved perception of quality of life.

Keywords: at-risk; adolescents; girls; appreciative coaching; interpretative phenomenological analysis; coaching psychology; positive psychology coaching; subjective wellbeing; perceived quality of life.

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