October 2015

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This month we had the joy of interviewing, Michael Pritchard, our founder’s namesake and an inspirational American stand-up comedian, youth counselor, and advocate of social emotional learning so very much in keeping with Find Your Spark (although whether Michelle could be considered a stand up comedian, remains to be seen! 😉

Michael speaks to schools, parent groups, and corporations on the topics of communication skills, diversity, bullying, and conflict resolution.[3] A presentation that he made at Benicia (California) Middle School was featured in the 2011 Roko Belić documentary film Happy 
and his Youtube video Lesson’s From the Heart has been viewed over 15,000 times!  Here is what Michael had to say when we interviewed him…


 michael pritchardMichelle ,if I were to give myself at fourteen advice I would say ” Relax it all works out to the better,always ,sometimes you think your getting punished but your really being protected.Be laughing,be compassionate ,love kids ,seniors and people who serve the community.Show respect and honor those who die to keep us well,safe ,free! Study what you love.Readers are leaders and leaders are readers. Forgive to live and live to forgive. Hurting people get angry don’t judge them ,heal them .Dont over stand them understand them! Love community unity and serve it.Be mindful and kind full even to rude,their just sometimes open wounds spilling their own sadness on others! Be the peace in your community by knowing it’s a verb!              


Depression is anger at self for failure to cope! It turns inward and can become acid to spirit! Anger causes acidic self destructiveness!We must learn to be our own medic, solutioneer  depression with acts of kindness to others,gratitude journal,and community engagement finding ways to help others or animals heal in such a way it’s as if we know we need what we give to them for us!

happyCome to my house,we play , we unstress,we laugh together ,my son is a doctor ,my other son comedy writer with a hit sitcom ,my daughter is a musician .Play happy music ,play fun board games learn to unplug media look at each other and cook great food,drink healthy stuff and bring the pets to play out! Sing,poetry,laughter ,art ,music ,dance,together! If you can’t come to our house create this at your own.Even if your alone! Lolololol Don’t go to the party become the party,open wide the doors to life and chaos of the unexpected brings fun.everyone passes away but serious people are in a big hurry! Joy is a choice.

For more on Michael, please view his website at http://www.michaelpritchard.com/ 

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