May blog. A testimonial from Fight for Peace

Home Uncategorized May blog. A testimonial from Fight for Peace

We here at Find Your Spark HQ always like to receive feedback on how we are doing and what impact we are making (especially if its positive! 😉  

This month, we were delighted to receive this wonderful endorsement from Fight for Peace, following a workshop we delivered in January. Thanks Fight for Peace for having us and we look forward to working with you again soon!

Fight for Peace commissioned Find Your Spark to run a Resilience Programme at the Academy this year. Both the young people/staff found the Resilience programme very informative and engaging. So much so, that staff have come back and requested additional training by Find your Spark as a result.

I would highly recommend the delivery by Find Your Speak with their ability to deliver to groups on resilience training and any other topics. I worked with Michelle previously and found her ability to support young people into their chosen career path and life choices to be incredible and have seen many success stories as a result. I have also met several of the Find Your Spark team and have no doubt that they too will support young people with the same high standards and outcomes. Sourcing volunteers to support the work of Find Your Spark will only add to the great work Find Your Spark aims to do.


I highly recommend Find Your Spark with their ability to deliver sessions; provide career coaching/work experience and to source and successfully recruit volunteers.

Denise Carroll, Programme Manager