February 2016

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Don’t be afraid to make mistakes (as written by author of Walking on Sunshine, Rachel Kelly)

For many of us, life revolves around a series of big decisions, which anchor the hundreds of smaller decisions we make each day. Which A-levels to take? Which university offers to accept? Which jobs to apply to and which opportunities to seize? We often navigate these decisions motivated by the harmful misconception that there is such a thing as a good decision and a bad decision; that we are playing for failure or success.  But life is more complicated than that. Good ideas can have bad results and supposedly bad ideas can lead to something good. Perceived mistakes and failures can be the stepping-stones to something wonderful if we have the right attitude. The ‘how’ is more important than the ‘what’.

Walking on Sunshine: 52 Small Steps to Happiness is published by Short Books and is available for purchase on Amazon. For more information please follow Rachel on Twitter @RachelKellyNet or visit www.rachel-kelly.net.  

Rachel Kelly is also speaking in conversation with Jane Garvey from BBC’s Women’s Hour about her experience of depression on Wednesday 10th February at Conway Hall, Holborn, 7pm.  Further details on this can be found on the Action for Happiness website.