Frequently Asked Questions

What does ADHD coaching involve?

Coaching is a personal process and what happens in each session will be tailored to you. However, there is a typical process and certain questions that will be asked within the sessions.


  • During the sessions you will be encouraged to talk as openly and honestly as that is how the
    sessions will work best knowing that what you say will be kept confidential unless harm to
    yourself or someone else whereby we have a safeguarding duty of care to you.
  • Michelle will listen carefully and non-judgementally to what you say and how you say it and
    will at times reflect her understanding to you.
  • She will also ask you specific questions to guide the process.
  • Through the relationship and the explorations of your feelings and your life, you will gain a
    greater insight into your life and will feel understood and listened to.
  • This will allow you to increase your choices in your life, find your own voice, become
    empowered and use your potential more fully.
  • Coaching is predominantly future, and solution focused. We explore current strengths,
    resources, and future hopes rather than dwelling too much on present and past difficulties.
  • Coaching supports people to look at what a preferred future might look like and identifies
    ways in which this is already happening.
  • Importantly results indicate that coaching can not only solve a person’s problems but can
    also improve the person’s ability to solve problems themselves so that they are not so
    dependent on someone else going forward.
  • Coaching is like the above in that it is forward-looking, and outcome oriented however is
    much more practical with strategies to try out specific to help an ADHD brain such as helping
    with maintaining focus and time management.

What will the first session involve?

When opening up we recognise the value of feeling comfortable with someone who will understand what you are communicating and who will respond in a way which will help you to understand yourself and help you to make better sense of things. We know from research that the most important part of coaching, is the relationship and being listened to. It is this relationship which will enable you to think about areas of your life that you may never have thought about before and allow you to see things from a different perspective.

We offer an initial appointment either by phone or TEAMS which will allow you to meet with Michelle and talk about any issues you have. This will give you a sense as to whether you feel sessions will be helpful and whether Michelle is the right person to help. It will also allow Michelle to begin to build a picture of you and which intervention is most suitable, if at all.  Then Michelle will invite you to an assessment session which is the first session.

You can decide after this first session if this is something you would like to proceed with or not.

How long are the sessions?

Each session lasts for 1 hour minimum or 1 and a half hours depending on what package you select.

How often are the sessions?

Rather than weekly, we recommend having fortnightly sessions to enable you to do any of the goals you set for yourself in between the sessions. You will meet typically on the same day and at the same time for each fortnightly session, although should you not be able to make one session at that time/day, this can be rescheduled no problem.

How much are the sessions?

ADHD coaching costs slightly more than therapy however there are less sessions overall and as Michelle recommends fortnightly sessions rather than weekly, this works out cheaper per month than weekly therapy.

Michelle offers support online and in person session and the fee
starts from £80 for individuals/parents per 60 minute session paid via bank transfer in advance of the session to reserve the time.

How many sessions?

ADHD coaching is recommended over 12-16 sessions of which a coaching structure has been designed.  However, this will be adapted to be bespoke to the client.  The number of sessions you have can vary depending on you and how much of yourself you wish to explore. We recommend booking a minimum of six sessions initially. This can be enough for some people to explore the issues they wish to. For others though, they may wish to delve in deeper so we would then recommend booking a block of six following that. Booking sessions in blocks will give a discount so is a more cost-effective way of booking than booking ad hoc sessions however this can also be done if preferable.

Do you accept insurance?

We don’t currently accept insurance however we do accept Access to Work for adults who are working. Access to Work funding will pay 100% of the funding if you are self-employed or share it 50% with your employer and you can claim for up to £66,000 of funding support.

Access to Work can be a crucial resource for individuals with ADHD, providing them with the support they need to succeed in their employment. It recognizes the diverse needs of people with disabilities and health conditions in the workplace and offers a flexible approach to accommodating those needs.

As part of the Access to Work scheme, I am eligible to provide support as an ADHD coach and deliver ADHD awareness training. This support can include personalized coaching for individuals with ADHD and training for organizations looking to improve their understanding and accommodation of ADHD in the workplace. Please get in touch to discuss how we can tailor this support to meet your needs.

Click here to find out more: Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: - What Access to Work is – GOV.UK (

What does the coaching structure consist of?

Typical goals focused on will be:

Physiological and physical health


Time management and daily routines


Executive functioning issues e.g. prioritisation and motivation and decision making

Emotional regulation

How to book?

  1. To book an initial appointment, we request you complete our expression of interest form below or email Amanda, our admin assistant at [email protected] who will help you.
  2. You can book in either a 10 minute FREE discovery call or a 30 minute TEAMS introductory call (£40).
  3. At the end of an initial appointment, we suggest you have a think about the session and what has been discussed. If you feel it has been helpful and you would like to continue you can contact Amanda, by email  to arrange some ongoing appointments.  You can either book ad hoc or you can book a package.  Booking a block of six enables you to have a discount!!
  4. Contact us today to book your exploratory introductory call with Michelle to see whether this is a good fit for you and/or your child.

Expression of interest Form

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