Monthly Newsletter April

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April Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Let’s celebrate neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the April newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.
It was Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 on March 18-24, which is all about educating and promoting worldwide neurodiversity acceptance, equality and inclusion in schools and workplaces.  We delivered a training online to a global organisation which was met with rave reviews, more on that to follow…

This month’s tip is about Working Memory.  
I (Michelle) spoke to a global organization on tips to support them with various aspects of their ADHD and one of the main things she shared is how we, as people with ADHD, need to borrow our phones notepads (or an actual phonepad!) as our working memory as it has been compromised by ADHD.  This tip was shared by the eminent psychiatrist of ADHD, Dr Russell Barkley.

Whenever you get a thought, don’t think, I will remember that later.  No you won’t if you have ADHD, write it in your phone’s notes.  If someone tells you something of interest, again don’t think, I will remember that later.  No, you won’t, put it in your notes.

Then, weekly go through these notes and add any reminders such as appointments or obligations to your phone calendar so that you don’t miss or forget these.  This is what I do and is the thing that really helps me keep on top of things and ensure that things are in order/I don’t forget to do things/go to appointments.  Simple, yet effective as usually the best things are.  Try it and let us know how you get on.

We have been approached to deliver training to schools and organisations.  For organisations not yet at a stage to prioritise neurodivergence, now may be the time to start thinking about and planning for this.  There have been lots of disability grievances recently which is obviously something you would want to avoid as ADHD is protected by the Equality Act (2010) so organisations and schools have a duty of care and responsibility to support these individuals.
What is covered in these sessions? 
  • Why is it important to talk about ADHD and break down the stigma of disclosing this disability?
  • Background and timeline of ADHD.
  • ADHD symptoms.
  • Challenges of the condition.
  • Strengths of the condition and how to communicate the strengths you bring to the workplace.
  • What does this look like in the workplace and what are the unique experiences?
  • ADHD coping skills and tools.
  • What are reasonable adjustments at work?
  • How can employers support those with ADHD and make the workplace more inclusive
Individuals with ADHD are a real asset to an organisation but in order for them to thrive they need to understand how their ADHD impacts them as do the organisation as well as have an awareness of their strengths and what support is reasonably required.

Michelle spoke online about ADHD Awareness to a global IT company.  Below are some of the testimonials received.

If you are a school interested in having this ADHD awareness training, please complete this Enquiry Form.

If you are an organisation interested in having this ADHD awareness training, please complete this Enquiry Form.
Further to the sold-out group session in January, we are running a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre. 

This will be the last in person session of these for the foreseeable as do not have any more planned, so if you have not yet joined, come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe

This follows on from our delivery of this session to a global IT organisation who were blown away by the insights, knowledge and perspective shared.  You will be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better. 

Final deadline to book is 1pm on Friday 12 April.  There is a buy one, get one half price offer and all those who attend, will receive a 15% discount off any coaching sessions booked thereafter.
We’re excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant again (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.

There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.

Early Bird Discount ends on 23 April and all those who attend, will receive a 15% discount off any coaching sessions booked thereafter. 

Again, this is the last planned session for this so if you were interested, please book as we do not know if we will run this again.

We have been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults for the public.

Group coaching is perfect for those who prefer a group environment to set goals, plan action, get support and have accountability. Suggestions for goals can include motivation for homework/revision, getting a better routine to manage time and implement self care or coping skills for emotional regulation.

There will also be some ADHD Awareness shared within these groups.  Group coaching is also a more affordable option for many. 

All participants must sign confidentiality agreements to ensure the safety of the group.

We are provisionally looking to run the teen/11 plus group on Saturday 6 July (TBC) and dependant on how well it goes, will look to run this on a regular basis. 

If you would like to express your interest for the teen group or the upcoming adult coaching group, please complete this Expression of Interest Form.

We recently met with Kierran Pearce of the Multi-Schools Council and were very impressed by their ethos and the good things they are doing for the children with additional needs in Essex. 

The Multi-Schools Council is all about working with young people to help challenge negative perceptions towards young people with SEND – if you wish to find out more please visit their website HERE.
That’s it for another month.  Do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Monthly Newsletter March

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March Newsletter
Find Your Spark's Monthly Newsletter 

Filled with tips, suggestions, resources and recommendations!!
Let’s celebrate neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the March newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about Time Blindness.  
ADHD children and adults tend to be blind to time.  Time blindness is a cognitive condition that causes challenges in perceiving and managing time which often leads to challenges in punctuality and planning.  Its an inability to sense how much time has passed and estimate the time that is needed to get something done.  ADHD people basically perceive time differently.
Something that works for children as well as for adults is having a visual time such as this Countdown Clock or using the Pomodoro Technique so children (and adults) realise how much time they have left to either get ready, be on their PlayStation etc., before having to leave to go to school/work…
Give it a try and let us know how you get on!!!
Further to the sold-out group session in January, I’m delighted to advise that we have confirmed a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre. 

Come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe and be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better. 

We are running an Early Bird Offer on single and two person tickets ending on 26 March, and based on feedback from the last group, for this month only, we are opening this up to parents to bring their child with them providing they are of secondary school age. 


Michelle spoke at the Tri Service (fire, police and emergency services) International Women’s Day Conference a couple of weeks ago on the topic of ADHD and menopause.  This is a HOT topic at the moment as there is a link between ADHD and hormones from puberty, pregnancy, peri menopause and menopause.  This is why a lot of women going through the perimenopause and menopause are getting diagnosed with ADHD later in life as symptoms are exacerbated at these pivotal times.

If this is something you have been impacted by and would like to reach out about, please do as Michelle would be open to helping either be it in a one to one or group capacity dependant on interest.  Email [email protected] to express your interest.
We have also been approached to run coaching groups for teens and adults for the public.  If you too would like to express your interest, please complete this Expression of Interest Form.

Additionally, we have been approached to deliver training to schools and organisations.  Therefore if you are a school or organisation, please complete this Schools and Organisations Enquiry Form.
We’re excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant again (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.

There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.

Early Bird Discount ends on 23 April.
Find Your Spark Blog
ADHD in the Workplace

ADHD and Driving
How does ADHD Affect Driving (Shamieh Law)
Chill Out Centre where we run our public groups.
Did you see us in the news again? 
Podcast Recommendations

Carrie Grant "What is Normal?"  The Hidden 20%
Listen here on Spotify

The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast
Connecting Hormones and Psychiatry to help more ADHD women with Dr Lotta Borg Skoglund

Listen here on Spotify
That’s it for another month.  We hope you have a wonderful Easter and do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Neurodiversity Celebration Week (18th – 24th March, 2024)

Living in a neurotypical world when you are not a neurotypical girl series.

It has been Neurodiversity Celebration week 2024 (March 18-24) this week which is all about educating and promoting worldwide neurodiversity acceptance, equality and inclusion in schools and workplaces.

I, Michelle Shavdia, was late diagnosed with ADHD, dyspraxia and dyscalculia at 37 years old, and ever since have been on a mission to raise awareness into the misunderstood condition of ADHD as well as shining a lens on the overlapping neurodivergent conditions so that we are all better informed and getting better support. 

This blog is going to focus on neurodivergence at work.  Did you know that 20% of employees are neurodivergent?! And that 1 in 5 people have experienced harassment or discrimination due to this?!  ADHD people for example are often excluded or dismissed, on the receiving end of negative comments/jokes; demoralised, humiliated or degraded.  ADHD adults are 30% more likely to have ongoing employment issues, 3x more likely to impulsively quit and 60% more likely to be fired.  24% of adults on long term sick leave due to stress exhibit ADHD symptoms!!

Clearly this is not okay or acceptable and is something that needs to change.  Similar issues can be found in schools as well.  This is why we need to celebrate neurodiversity and learn how best to support it (please see picture).  And given the world of work is zooming forward at fast speed we need fast ADHD brains that can keep up with this rate of constant change and thinking outside the box.  This therefore may be the most valuable skill a business can have in 2024!

Find Your Spark supports children, their parents and adults with ADHD.  With my professional background and Masters qualification in coaching psychology and from my lived experience, I get just how difficult it can be to live in a world that is not set up for your brain and the problems that come with that so am able to effectively listen to and understand the experience.  I am therefore able to provide brilliant bespoke support to people in how best to look after your needs pre and post assessment.  These services include psychoeducation, pre assessment for ADHD and ADHD coaching post diagnostic support.  These services can be delivered one to one or in a public group and either online or in person as well as in schools and to organisations.

WE are running our ADHD Awareness session once again on 15 April for adults to learn more about ADHD and how it applies not only to the world of work but also life generally. Currently there is an early bird discount till the 26 March where you can buy one ticket for £50 and get one ticket half price. 

A testimonial received from the last sold-out group in January: ‘We attended the awareness session, and it was so informative, and we have now come away more confident and knowledgeable. Thank you so much, it was amazing and such a lovely bunch of people.’

We are also running the ‘Let’s talk about Neurodiversity’ group again with autism assessor, Rhiann Marchant, on 15 May.  Please get in touch by email  [email protected] and she can send the Eventbrite link for both groups plus expression of interest form for future coaching groups for adults and teens.

If you require further details these can be found at and via Eventbrite.  You can also follow us on @FindYourSparkADHD on Instagram and @FindYourSparkUK on Facebook.  We look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Monthly Newsletter February Volume 2

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February Newsletter
Let's learn about neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
There is so much news to share in February that we are having to do a follow up newsletter this month!!
Further to the sold-out group session in January, I’m delighted to advise that we have just confirmed a further session on Monday 15 April. Timings will again be 7pm-9pm at the Chill Out Centre. 

Come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe and be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better. 

We are running an Early Bird Offer on single and two person tickets ending on 26 March.  And based on feedback from the last group, we are opening this up to parents to bring their child with them providing they are of secondary school age (11 years plus). 

Chill Out Centre venue, Stanway where we host our groups.
Example of a visual timetable that Michelle shared within the last ADHD Awareness group.
Expressions of interest for future groups

Further the last newsletter where we asked for expressions of interest for an ADHD Teens group, we have now been approached by a few adults to see if we will run an ADHD Coaching group for adults as well!!Happy to also do this in the Summer term but need to ensure that we have enough interest first.
So, if this sounds like something you as an adult would like to receive, or your young person would benefit from having, then do let us know.
It would be a one-off session initially, in the evening and cost approximately £40 per session. If it goes well, we will look to run this more regularly.
Email [email protected] stating either CHILD or ADULT in the subject text along with yours and your child’s name and we will add them to the waiting list. Once we have approx. eight expressions of interest we will be in touch with you. Thank you so much.
Feedback and Photos from the Let’s Talk about Neurodiversity Event

Further to the very successful group on Wednesday where Rhiann and I educated and supported 8 adults/parents with their autism and ADHD concerns, we are now looking to run this again on the 15 May from 6.30pm–9.30pm.
If you would like to add your name to the expressions of interest list, email Amanda and we will forward you the Eventbrite as soon as it is ready.
For now, save the date in your diary and we will be in touch with further information soon.
Podcast Recommendations
We featured on two podcasts in February.  

Neurodiverse Universe, a fun and insightful conversation about all things ADHD – enjoy and let us know what you think.

Listen here on Spotify

Michelle also featured on the latest Parenting Hell podcast small business shout out AGAIN (featured back in December as well)!!  Take a listen to the full episode on Spotify here

And the final cherry on top for February, Michelle spoke on BBC Essex about ADHD and autism and the ‘Lets talk about Neurodiversity Group’.  Listen to the recording here (from 2hours, 5mins in)
Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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How do you explain ADHD to someone who doesn’t have it?

Did you know that had Einstein, one of the greatest inventers of all time with huge intelligence, been born at this time, he would have been diagnosed ADHD?!

I, Michelle Shavdia, 39 years old, am on a mission to raise awareness into the still misunderstood and stigmatised condition of ADHD, breaking it down one myth at a time such as people with ADHD are not intelligent.

I recently spoke on the panel at an event in London for a fantastic charity called Digital Boost who have been supporting and helping me this past year.  It was well attended, organised and good energy.  I wanted to share what I spoke about regarding my entrepreneurial journey with the audience of start-up entrepreneurs as it may help others too.  I am also including some excerpts from a newspaper article I wrote to give further information into ADHD:

‘I took the brave leap of faith to become self-employed in 2011 and set up my business Find Your Spark soon thereafter.  I did this through choice as I really wanted to use my skills to coach and support at risk young people and the job I was in, was not suited to my strengths.  Also, as is unfortunately the case due to us living in a world that is not quite set up for those who are neurodivergent still (which I did not realise I was at the time), I was not a great employee as I didn’t like to being told what to do as I had my own innovative, creative ideas that I wanted to put into place, which my employers weren’t so keen on!!!

So, I resigned from this job and started a Masters in Coaching Psychology at University for three years from 2012-2015 after having done a Psychology degree.

One of my greatest wins, which in part was due to the support I received from Digital Boost, has been taking the brave leap of faith for a second time to specialise in being an ADHD coach, which I started full time this year.  This followed on from having supported young people with ADHD in 2018-2019 not knowing that I had ADHD myself!!  I received my own late ADHD diagnosis in 2021 at 37 years old after years of not knowing what was going on with my brain that made me so different to my peers.

I now specialise in the condition of ADHD and am supporting those with and without ADHD one to one and in groups so they can manage living in a neurotypical world better.  I understand just how difficult it can be and the problems that come with having this condition despite there certainly being strengths as well.

There are still many misconceptions about ADHD.  One of these is that having ADHD means you don’t have enough attention and therefore are unable to concentrate.  The fact is people with ADHD have TOO much attention and notice EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL AT ONCE (much like the Oscar winning film of that name!!).

One way to describe ADHD is like having squiggles in the brain firing off in all directions, which is what makes it that much harder to concentrate.  But when we ARE focused on something that we are REALLY interested in, we can be known to hyper focus on it, much to the neglect of everything else around us (there have been countless times I have forgotten to eat as I have been so engrossed in what I am doing!!!)

ADHD isn’t something we grow out of; it doesn’t go away, and it is not something to be fixed.  Rather it is something to be managed and given ADHD is now thought to affect 6% of the population, it is important people understand what it is.  There are currently 110,000 people waiting for an ADHD assessment and the average waiting time is between 3-10 years.  So, the current system is not working clearly.

In business, as in life, we face challenges and let downs.  I have faced many and this year there were two that knocked me off my feet a bit and set me back somewhat.  However, I now see these setbacks as lessons and challenges to overcome.  Whilst disappointing I am now grateful for them as I truly believe that whatever is meant for you, won’t go past you so focus your energy on your interests, passions and what flows and don’t worry so much about things that don’t.

People with ADHD tend to experience imposter syndrome daily despite the qualifications, professional experiences, and accolades.  This is because they have spent much of their life, particularly if they are late diagnosed with ADHD, being told that they are mad, bad, crazy, lazy and stupid and compared to your peers and told, ‘why can’t you just be like them?!’  If you are told something enough times, you will begin to believe it.  Even at this Digital Boost event I felt like an imposter before, during and afterwards and yet I was invited to speak at it!!! The way I overcome this now is to focus on what has worked well for you and the successes you have had and use that to motivate and drive you forward.  Share this with others and don’t think it is boastful as on the whole, people love celebrating and helping people as not only can it make them feel good doing so but also it can inspire them to improve their lives.  We all just human beings having an experience through life so it’s important just to do your best and believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place.

Here are some techniques I have learnt to stay motivated and keep my growth mindset through the challenging moments:

  • Remember to focus on what you can control and don’t worry about what is out of your control.
  • Do your best to not compare yourself to others and just focus on what is for you / your lane.
  • And if its too much, just take a break and come back to it after going for a walk in nature listening to a podcast or having a nap/sleep. You will get through this even the challenging times, just have faith and know everything works out as its meant to so be your authentic self, be a good person and don’t sweat the stuff you wont remember in a year from now.

If you would like to learn more about ADHD, what it is and how best to manage it, get in touch by email or phone. We have two groups coming up for adults with ADHD and family members who wish to learn more on how best to support it.  Or if you prefer one to one, we offer ADHD coaching. Here are the Eventbrite links to book onto a group:

ADHD Awareness Group – Tuesday 30 January, 7pm-9pm (Colchester)  Buy One Get One Free Offer for £40 till end of December.  Then Buy One Get One free till end of January for £60.

ADHD Awareness, Self-Care and Support Group – first Wednesday of the month from 7 February 2023, 7pm-9pm (Colchester)

ADHD Awareness, Self-Care and Support Group – first Wednesday of the month from 7 February 2023, 7pm-9pm (Colchester) – DISCOUNTED GROUP TICKET

Alternatively email [email protected] and she will send you further details.  Further details can be found at and @FindYourSparkADHD on Instagram. 

We look forward to hearing from and meeting you in due course!!!

What are the positives of having ADHD? Living in a neurotypical world when you are not a neurotypical girl series.

Following on from Sam Thompson winning ITV’s ‘Celebrity Get me out of Here’, where he was praised for shining a light on his ADHD, this article will explore the positives of having ADHD. Sam Thompson shared with Marvin and Josie Gibson, saying how he was ‘not ashamed’ of the condition and that he hopes by talking about it, it can raise awareness.

I, Michelle Shavdia, 39 years old, am on a mission to also raise awareness into this still misunderstood and stigmatised condition of ADHD, breaking it down one myth at a time.

One of the biggest misconceptions about having ADHD is that the condition itself is negative and that having it makes you a mad, bad, lazy, crazy, evil person.  As shown by Sam Thompson so beautifully whilst he was in the Australian jungle, this could not be further from the truth.  Sam Thompson demonstrated to the public all the positives of having ADHD.  Being charming, engaging, entertaining, fun, excitable, enthusiastic, with a can-do attitude and positive energy.  Yes, he may have forgotten to do some things such as keep an eye on the rice (I blame Nigel for this to be honest), not been able to take in instructions and may have been ‘messy’ however the positives far outweigh these things.

It breaks my heart when I hear children and young people say that they ‘hate having ADHD’ and that there is ‘something wrong with them/their brain.’  There is nothing wrong with them, their brain is just wired differently and it now my mission to help spread this message and reduce the stigma and discrimination those with ADHD feel based on the misconceptions people have.

I now specialise in the condition of ADHD as an ADHD coach and am supporting those with and without ADHD one to one and in groups so they can manage living in a neurotypical world better.  I understand just how difficult it can be to live in a world that is not set up for your brain and way of being and the problems that come with that.  ADHD coaching is practical intervention that specifically targets ADHD executive function issues and working memory and emotional regulation issues.  These include supporting planning, time management, decision making and organisation.  ADHD coaching is also useful to help those with ADHD understand their brains better.

If you would like to learn more about ADHD, what it is and how best to manage it, get in touch by email or phone.  I offer a free 20-minute phone call which you can book via [email protected] and then there are many options, the main ones being:

  • One to one ADHD coaching, which we can deliver online or in person.
  • ADHD Awareness group, next one is on 30th January 7-9 pm and is BUY ONE GET ONE FREE FOR £40 till 31st December and £60 BUY GET ONE FREE thereafter.

Come join us to learn how to cope with ADHD and learn skills and strategies that works for you in all areas of your life as part of a supportive group of likeminded, non-judgemental people.  This is for those who are diagnosed, awaiting diagnosis or simply curious as well as for family members who would like to know how best to support their loved one with ADHD.

Further details can be found at and @FindYourSparkADHD on Instagram or @FindYourSpark on Facebook. 

We look forward to hearing from and meeting you in due course!!!

Monthly Newsletter February Volume 1

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February Newsletter
Let's learn about neurodiversity to support ourselves and our loved ones better!
Welcome to the February newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month and beyond including features on podcasts and special early bird offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about Emotional Regulation Strategy follow on.  

How did you get on with the 7 /11 breathing last month? We hope it helped you and/your child. If helpful, Michelle has a deep breathing relaxation meditation that she is happy to share with you.  Email [email protected] to get it sent to your inbox.

Quick tip, when a child (or adult) is angry/dysregulated, ask them a question that tests their memory and they won’t be able to stay angry for much longer as the area of the brain that has to do with emotion, also deals with memory.  This works for those in an ADHD meltdown and otherwise.

Try this and once again, let us know how you get on!!!
Reserve your space on the upcoming ‘Let’s talk about Neurodiversity’ session.

We’re beyond excited to be collaborating with Rhiann Marchant (clinically trained autism assessor) to deliver this informative session on Autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.

There will be a chance to ask us questions during the session and afterwards about assessments, both autism and ADHD and what your next steps would look like.

Group is half sold out already.  £75 per person or £105 for two people for THREE HOURS of autism and ADHD knowledge from TWO experts in their fields.  Usually it would cost £75-£80 per hour for just one of us, but we are bringing and combining our joint knowledge to give you added value at a cost-effective price all in one space.

Deadline to book is midnight of the 18th February.  We would encourage those of you who are interested in attending to do so this time round if you can as we do not have another date booked in yet so don’t know if or when we will run the group again so come join us if you can.
We have been approached by a couple of parents to see if we will run an ADHD Coaching group for teens (11 years and up). Happy to do this in the Summer term but need to ensure that we have enough interest first.

If this sounds like something your young person would benefit from having, then do let us know. It would be once a month initially, in the evening and cost approximately £40 per session.

Email [email protected] 
to put yours and your child’s name down on the waiting list and once we have eight children, we will be in touch with you.

Thank you so much.
Find Your Spark Blog
Overlaps between ADHD and Autism
Let's Talk about Neurodiversity: understanding and awareness: Do you know the difference between ADHD and Autism?
Come along to learn more about ADHD, what it Is and not what we were led to believe and be in a group of likeminded people learning ADHD coping skills to support themselves and their loved ones better.  See below for an example of what a parent implemented straight after the session for her son – a visual whiteboard timetable – which has been met with much success!  Parent reports that its going great, her son is using it every day and it helps her not to have to ask and ask and ask, she just says "what's on your board left to do" – result!!

We are running an Early Bird Offer on single and two person tickets ending on 26 March, £50 for one ticket and £75 for two.  Based on feedback from the last group, we are opening this up to parents bringing their child with them providing they are of secondary school age. 


Here is an example from one of the parents who implemented one of the suggestions straight after the session for her ADHD son, with much success!’
Podcast Recommendations

Christmas feels a million years ago now however Michelle was on an ADHD podcast back then which included a quiz with some ADHD questions so if you fancy listening to it, you can.  This precedes Michelle’s one to one interview on this podcast which will follow soon.
Episode 9 So This is ADHD Christmas
This is ADHD!
Listen here on Apple Podcasts

We also featured on the podcast, Neurodiverse Universe, which was a fun and insightful conversation about all things ADHD – enjoy and let us know what you think.
Listen here on Spotify

Michelle has been listening to the Parenting Hell podcast with Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe since the beginning and thought this was a rather comical take on ADHD which resonated a lot with Michelle and how she funnily enough experiences ADHD. 

Find Your Spark appeared as a shout out back in December.  Let us know if you would like us to email you the recording, if you missed it.  This podcast is from January and is very funny so enjoy!

Listen here on Spotify 
That’s if for another month.  We hope you have a wonderful February and do contact us with any questions you have or if you require any further information and help.

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle.
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Monthly Newsletter January

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January Newsletter

Welcome to the January newsletter.  We have a lot of exciting things to offer this month including tips, features on podcasts and in newspapers, awards and special offers on upcoming groups so grab a cup of hot tea and give yourself 10 minutes to read our latest news.

This month’s tip is about Emotional Regulation.  

7/11 deep breathing (breathing in for 7 and out for 11) is one of the best tips to help with emotional regulation that Michelle has found.  The theory being that you spend longer breathing out any stress or tension you feel in your body.  Michelle only recommends things that she has tried and that have worked for her and recommends doing this first thing in the morning as well as in an emotional state if you are able to.

For children with ADHD, you may need to practice this with them every morning however if they find deep breathing and sitting still a challenge, an alternative is blowing bubbles or blowing cotton wool across the table as a way for them to exhale the stress in their bodies.

Give it a try and let us know any feedback on how it goes for you and/or your child.
Dopamine research
There is some ADHD dopamine research coming out now that if you ask your child or spouse to do something they find boring, they are more able to do a task they have been procrastinating on and for longer than they planned on doing.  Michelle is testing this for herself and will feedback to let you know how this goes!!!
We are now almost sold out of our January ADHD Awareness group on 30 January!!!

There are still a few places so there is still time if you are wanting to learn more about ADHD for yourself or someone else.

Currently running a limited buy one get one free offer for the month of January whereby if you buy one ticket for £60, you get one ticket for free which you can either use to bring a friend or family member with you OR you can participate in our pay it forward scheme whereby this space will be offered to someone who cannot afford to attend (let us know when booking). 

Come along to learn more about what ADHD is, how to best support it and why it is only now that a lot of adults are finally being diagnosed!!! 

Your deadline to book this group is 16 January.  Don’t delay, book today to ensure you don’t miss out.

Did you see us in the Colchester Gazette?
Colchester's Michelle Shavdia on I'm a Celeb's Sam Thompson
ADHD Awareness, Self-Care and Support Group

We are excited to announce a monthly support group, taking place on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning
7 February 2024.  

We are offering a group discounted ticket as well as individual tickets which can be purchased in advance of each event. 

Click on the buttons below to book your place. 

Parenting Hell Podcast
Did you hear us on the Parenting Hell podcast with Rob
Beckett and Josh Widdicombe?

This was well received and have already had subsequent enquiries and bookings from this.

If you haven't had a chance to listen here's the link: 
Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe's Parenting Hell
Let's Talk About Neurodiversity: Understanding and Awareness

We have a new group coming up in February where Michelle will raise awareness into ADHD but also the link between having ADHD and self harm.  This is something that comes up a lot in her sessions with young people and follows on from Michelle’s qualification in self harm and suicide prevention.

Michelle will also be joined by Rhiann who is an autism specialist and she will be sharing her autism knowledge with you all.

Early Bird Ticket ends 16 January.
We are delighted to announce that Michelle has been awarded BEST ADHD COACHING SERVICE by SME News as well as a finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Award for
Helping our Teens

Michelle has been watching ‘Helping our teens’ on BBC iPlayer which is all about the aftermath of the lockdowns and how this is affecting schools, our neurodivergent teens and parents.  100% recommended. 

Watch HERE

That’s if for another month.  We hope you have a wonderful January and do contact us with any questions you have!!

Wishing you well, Amanda and Michelle xxx
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ADHD Coping Skills and Self-Harm Tips

October is ADHD Awareness month and rather ironically it coincides with a global ADHD medication shortage!!  And what seems to be a rise in self-harm cases.  All fun and games in this world!!!

There are some other ways to cope with ADHD that do not involve medication which some people swear by and give a similar feeling albeit not quite the same:

One is nature and I certainly know when I spend time in nature, I certainly feel more alive, at ease and grounded/centred.

Another is creativity and doing something that sparks joy for you, which can help you feel more alive and present.

And rhythmic drumming (see September’s blog) has been found to help with attention and focus.

And then there is exercise.  Premedication I used to exercise excessively as it was the only way to calm and soothe my nervous system down.  And when I say excessively it would be going to the gym twice a day or walking for four hours a day!!! You might think this was healthy, but it wasn’t as due to not having adequate executive functioning, I was actually unable to STOP exercising/walking and it became addictive for me!!!

I have learnt a lot since then and medication has helped me with that (I don’t walk for four hours a day for a start!!) which is why this medication shortage is a disgrace really and not acceptable.  For some people it is life and death taking this medication, so it is not something to take lightly.

These other ways to cope with ADHD are shared within the groups I run and the one-to-one ADHD coaching sessions I deliver, which don’t involve walking for four hours a day (!!!) but include:

  • movement, specifically walking for 30 minutes per day is good for the ADHD brain
  • bouncing and swaying help the ADHD brain.
  • Some form of meditation be it guided, visualisation or somatic e.g. Qi Qong

With regards to the rise in self-harm, which is a concern and is caused by many different factors, one sure fire way to reduce and prevent this is a healthy lifestyle.  Encouraging healthy lifestyle changes, self-care and supporting individuals in achieving this have been proven self-harm prevention strategies.  The healthier a person’s lifestyle is, the less at risk they are of developing negative thoughts.  And vice versa.

Given it is ADHD Awareness month, I have two groups coming up in October to coincide with this and encouraging self-care and how to prevent self-harm.  Special rates and discounts due to it being ADHD Awareness month:

  • ADHD Self-care and coping skills session for adults with ADHD. This takes place on Wednesday 18 October 7-9 pm and is a small group (6-8) run in Stanway, Colchester. Limited spaces available.  Deadline to book is 16 October via this link: ADHD Self-Care Group
  • On Tuesday 31 October from 7-9 pm I am running the informative ‘ADHD brain and me’ awareness session again, where you will learn everything, you need to about ADHD, how to cope with it and how to build a system that works for you in all areas of your life. We’ll be covering the history, the science, the process and figuring out your system to manage it. This is for those who are diagnosed, self-diagnosed, awaiting diagnosis or simply curious as well as family members.  It’s usually £49 but given its ADHD Awareness month, you can get it for £39 for the month of October. Deadline to book is 27 October via this link: ADHD Awareness Group 

Email [email protected] with any questions.  Further details on these sessions and one to one ADHD coaching can be found at or visit @FindYourSparkADHD on Instagram

NEW COURSE ALERT– I am also intending to run an adult ADHD support group.  If this is something you would be interested in attending, please email [email protected] to express interest.  We look forward to hearing from and meeting you in due course!!!

ADHD Coaching and Self-Care

A question I hear often is ‘why is ADHD so common these days? And I also hear, ‘in my day, hardly anyone had ADHD, now it’s as if everyone has ADHD!!’  So let me fill you in on the reason to why that may be.  This is the case because, in the past, ADHD was thought to be only something hyper boys who could not sit still had and it was also thought that ADHD was something you grew out of, therefore adults would not have ADHD.  As a result of this inaccuracy, those who as children did not present as a hyper boy but DID have ADHD, are only being assessed for it now as an adult.  Hence the NHS is having to play catch up and assess/diagnose adults who ought to have been diagnosed as a child.

I am now on a mission to raise awareness into the still massively misunderstood condition of ADHD.  This follows on from my own ADHD diagnosis two years ago.  My hope is that in the future ADHD is perceived less like a disorder and more like the genetic difference that it is and understood and accepted by the neurotypical world.  There really is no shame to having ADHD.  In fact, there are many advantages to the ADHD gene and yet there is still so much stigma.  Until this is overcome, I am supporting those with ADHD so they can manage living in a neurotypical world better via groups for parents, adults and professionals and one to one ADHD coaching for children and adults.

There are lots of ways to treat ADHD, more than you may realise.  The NHS nice guidelines recommend psychoeducation sessions.  Medication.  Behaviour management.  ADHD Coaching. And self-care.  ADHD self-care is different to the stereotypical pampering you may associate with self-care.  As briefly follows:

Prior to learning that I had ADHD, I went to learn shamanic drum healing and found it to be beneficial to my brain as it calmed it down and opened me up.  Of all the modalities and approaches I have practiced; this one was the one that did the most benefit for me hence why I now would like to share this with others particularly those with ADHD and autism, which I intend to do via the ADHD self-care groups soon.  A bit of background on shamanic drum healing.  It is a powerful way to shift your energy and transform your life.  Scientists have found that 90-minute drumming a week showed better control of their emotions, fewer signs of hyperactivity, inattention, and repetitive behaviours in as little as 8 weeks, which is why it is ideal for those with ADHD and autism.  The study, which was co-authored by Dr Ruth Lowry from the University of Essex, found through MRI scans that drumming reveals changes to the brain function linked to overall behaviour and neurological adaptions.

To find out more about ADHD self-care and coping skill strategies, come along to our upcoming ADHD groups to learn more about ADHD and what suits out brains better:

These are the best ways to learn a foundational, base level about ADHD and neurodiversity and get to meet me.  If you’d like to engage in ADHD Coaching first, that too is an option however I always recommend these groups as a taster so you can have some basic knowledge on ADHD before you engage in more intensive support.

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