UncategorizedFebruary 24, 2015
Find Your Spark was recently granted an Award by the Haberdashers’ Livery Company. The awards are granted to UEL students and graduates with existing business to promote their continued growth.
Find Your Spark’s most recent programme is based on founder, Michelle’s MSc research project on group coaching and positive psychology.
This programme has been met with phenomenal feedback and results as it aims to raise aspirations, turn young people away from lives of crime and towards positive, purposeful, focused behaviours.
An awards ceremony was hosted at the Haberdashers’ Hall for Find Your Spark and 11 fellow award winners on 15th May. UEL and the Haberdashers Livery Company will continue their 9 year partnership to support student and graduate entrepreneurs. Certificates were presented by the Vice Chancellor of the University of East London, Professor John Loughlin and the Haberdashers’ Master, Jonathan Bates.