ADHD Coaching and BRIEF Therapy for children and young people

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Michelle from Find Your Spark has over twenty years of experience of working with children and young people, first within schools and then privately.  Her coaching psychology Masters qualification enables her to coach in a professional way and she has her level 2 safeguarding certificate as well as a self-harm and suicide prevention certificate so you can be sure that your child will be in safe hands.  Her ADHD diagnosis means she understands the ADHD brain from lived experience.

Children and young people with ADHD tend to be low in confidence and get bored easily.  They find themselves getting distracted easily, emotionally dysregulated with anger issues that they struggle to manage.

This is where having an ADHD coach is helpful to boost their confidence giving them awareness of their strengths and how ADHD works, developing morning and evening routines, keeping them on track so they meet their academic potential and being their cheerleader to celebrate their success.

Michelle is trained in BRIEF solution focused therapy (BSFT), which is a strengths based approach to working with children and families.  It emphasises the positive qualities and behaviours and how these can be applied to overcome difficulties.  She is able to weave these questions into the sessions so that children can focus more on the solutions rather than the problems.

Michelle can also offer an anger management programme for children if this is something your child is particularly struggling with.  Let us know when booking if this is the case and we can discuss options with you.

In addition, and as part of the contract with your child, we recommend parents attend the ADHD Awareness training session for PARENTS.  As part of one of the packages, you will receive this at a reduced rate. 

If you really want to make a difference for your child, the most effective way to make a change is for parents to also learn about the condition.  

If this sounds like something you and your child would benefit from, complete the below form and we will contact you within 24 hours to book in a call to see how we can help you.

Expression of interest Form

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