Developing Your Resilience Training For Parents

We are running another session of our ‘ Developing Your Resilience’ Training  on the 8th September 2017.

This session is aimed specifically for low income families with autistic children. Please have a look at the leaflet below for full details! (more…)

Mental Health Awareness Training

We are holding a ‘Mental Health Awareness’ Training session for professionals.

Please have a look at the leaflet for full details! (more…)

Inhouse Resilience Training

Check out the leaflet below for information on our ‘Developing Your Resilience’ Training.


June Training Session

We are running another session of our ‘ Developing Your Resilience’ Training at the end of June.

This session is aimed specifically for low income families with autistic children. Please have a look at the leaflet below for full details! (more…)

We are Colchester Big Choice Award Winners

Find your Spark was grateful to receive a 5k grant on behalf of the Colchester Big Choice Award! (more…)

2015 statistics

We have been busy working out our stats from last year.  80 young people and staff took part in programmes last year and the outcomes reported are an increase in motivation, confidence, resilience, positive emotion and calmness. 96% of young people feel more positive and calm about going into the world of work and have got jobs/apprenticeships as a result.  88% feel more motivated and confident after participating in our resilience programme.  Great results and we are optimistic that 2016’s statistics will be just as good if not better!

July blog. Confidence comes from doing, not thinking about it.

angers1The past month has seen Find Your Spark travelling across London, Suffolk, Essex and even to France in order to deliver conferences, trainings and presentations on the effectiveness of coaching and positive psychology for at risk young people.

We have picked up a lot of tips and learning along the way, for example when speaking at the European Positive Psychology Conference we learnt that: (more…)

June musings from our founder

sunshineI write this in the scorching heat as Summer has well and truly arrived (well for the next couple of days at least!) The past month has been a bit of a whirlwind for me/Find Your Spark which I am now musing reflectively. 

I have spent the last nine months starting up Find Your Spark in North Essex which has meant attending a lot of meetings, drinking lots of cups of tea/coffee and sending lots and lots of emails!  I am delighted to say that all the seeds that I have been planting over the last six months are beginning to sprout and finally everything has begun to fall into place. (more…)

May blog. A testimonial from Fight for Peace

We here at Find Your Spark HQ always like to receive feedback on how we are doing and what impact we are making (especially if its positive! 😉  

This month, we were delighted to receive this wonderful endorsement from Fight for Peace, following a workshop we delivered in January. Thanks Fight for Peace for having us and we look forward to working with you again soon!

Fight for Peace commissioned Find Your Spark to run a Resilience Programme at the Academy this year. Both the young people/staff found the Resilience programme very informative and engaging. So much so, that staff have come back and requested additional training by Find your Spark as a result.


Positive psychology coaching research

Check out the positive psychology coaching research by founder Michelle Pritchard & Christian van Nieuwerburgh

Objectives: The research sought to analyse the perceptual life changes and perceived quality of life (PQoL) subsequent to participating in an integrated coaching and PPI programme.

Design: A qualitative approach was employed and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was utilised to analyse the data. (more…)

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