How to navigate the SEND system.
We are excited to announce that we will be running our successful course “How to navigate the SEND system” again.
The new course is starting on Thursday 20th May from 1-2pm via Zoom. Places cost £35 per family and booking is via the MAZE website here:
The course will include:
An explanation of how the SEND system works:
- The SEND stages
- SEND law
- The legal definition of Special Educational Needs and Disability
- What rights children/young people and parent/carers have
How to have difficult conversations:
- Critical thinking skills
- Confidence
- Assertiveness
- Empowerment
Practical strategies and “mindset” coaching
The course begins via Zoom on Thursday 20th May 2021 from 1-2pm and then every Thursday up to and including 8th July.
Cost = £35 Only 15 places available
Here is what previous parents had to say about what they gained from this course:
“I learned how to have a collaborative meeting and approach it calmly.”
“I am the expert on my child.”
“I have learned that there’s a lot of psychology involved in dealing with official people – try not to let confirmation bias reappear & I mustn’t give away my power!”
“I am more confident with professionals supporting my child.”
“I feel confident with the Annual Review process and now I need to get an effective One Plan review behind me. I’ve now got a great template, so I’ll be studying that when the time comes.”
“I think your course could help so many people. I have tried to keep myself well informed, but your course has changed my perspective on how I use that knowledge.”
There is a short video to explain this course further via this link:
We hope that you will join us for an essential learning journey on how to get the best SEND support for your child.
Sue and Michelle.