Let’s talk about Neurodiversity: understanding and awareness: Do you know the difference between ADHD and Autism?

ADHD and autism are two distinct neurodevelopmental conditions however often people get them mixed up as there are neurobiological overlaps and similar symptoms.  The main three overlaps are sensory, interoception and social integration issues.  People with ADHD tend to get distracted by external stimuli going on around them and those with autism tend to get distracted by internal stimuli such as their thoughts.

Additionally, these two conditions frequently co-occur with ADHD presenting in 30-80% of individuals with ASD and ASD presenting in 20 – 50% of individuals with ADHD (van der Meer et al, 2012).  Did you know it wasn’t until 2013 that a provider could diagnose both conditions?! Mindblowing!!

And yet they are two very different conditions, with specific treatments and support plans required for each condition.

People with ADHD tend to crave novelty and variety, find it challenging to focus on one task at a time, find emotional regulation and inhibition a challenge as well as social cues due to their attention not being focused on one thing at a time.

People with Autism however tend to crave familiarity, find comfort in repetitive behaviours and routine therefore have strict adherence to routine, have a high need for verbal context and find reading social cues a challenge to do intuitively.

These are the main differences however there are many overlapping similarities (see picture).

I am now teaming up with Rhiann Marchant who is a fully qualified teacher, SENCO and specialist teacher in the field of autism to deliver a collaborative training bringing together our excellent specialist minds in ADHD and Autism. As a fully qualified ADOS-2 and 3DI Clinical practitioner, Rhiann now runs SENsational Minds, an independent diagnostic and post diagnostic support service for children, young people and adults with autism. With her background in specialist teaching for autism in education combined with her diagnostic knowledge and understanding, she can provide excellent bespoke support and advice to families in how best to support their child’s needs following assessment. Her services include diagnostic assessment for autism, psychoeducation and support sessions, individual school support and EHCP advice.

Together Rhiann and I are combining our years of knowledge and experience of both ADHD and autism to bring to adults, parents, and young people a professional training about the conditions of ADHD and autism.  This will be held at the Chill Out Centre, Stanway, Colchester on 21st Feb.  It is for those who are diagnosed, awaiting diagnosis or simply curious as well as parents, family members, professionals who would like to understand the neurodivergent brain

A testimonial received from the last sold-out group in January: ‘We attended the awareness session as our son is currently in the process of being diagnosed and it was so informative and we have come away more confident and knowledgeable, thank you so much, it was amazing and such a lovely bunch of people.’

If you would like to join us on the below dates, please get in touch by email  [email protected] phone 07928 132 387 or find these events on Eventbrite:

And, If you require further details these can also be found at www.findyourspark.co.uk and you can follow us on @FindYourSparkADHD on Instagram.

MAZE Parent groups

We ran two parent groups with Sue Anderton online, one for parents without additional needs (neurodiverse), helping them navigate the SEN process and a brand new support group for parents with additional needs.

Feedback from SEN navigation process:

‘What I learnt was to listen, take time to understand why something has been suggested or not suggested and to focus more on the long term plan.’

‘What I enjoyed was realizing that I was not the only one feeling deflated or having to argue and that underneath all that there are positives’

‘What I learnt was to go in a meeting and listen more, accept that you may have to have to compromise at times or try new advice given and what I enjoyed was hearing other people’s stories so I realised I was not alone and the information given’

‘What I enjoyed most about the group was the open, honest, frank discussions about what
actually happens and how best to deal with those situations.’


Feedback received from ND group includes:

‘Going to the group helped me cope, knowing that I could speak to a group of people who would not only listen but who also understood how I was feeling and offered me some really good advice. It helped me remain grounded and realise I could cope with what was thrown at me, I also feel that I have made some good friends who I can talk to outside of the sessions’

‘I looked forward to this group, as I was with other parents in the same position as me, so
found it very helpful for my own mental health. We have made our own group up, and chat regularly.’

‘The parent’s group is a fantastic idea. It combines peer group and professional support in a way which encourages the members of the group to make positive changes to their own lives at the same time as valuing every person's unique journey. The biggest part of the group was allowing each parent to feel heard and accepted.

As a parent of a child who has additional learning and support needs I have found that many of the professionals who makeup the ‘supporting services’, do not have the time or willingness to really listen to parents. It is often a box ticking exercise which dehumanises families and erodes parents confidence and self-esteem. If the parent has additional support needs of their own the system is often confusing at best and impossible to navigate at worst, leaving the whole family unsupported.

Having a group that is genuinely interested in finding out about the parent’s support needs, with the added benefit of having professionals from a range of different areas to provide sign posting, has meant that what, to me, looked like a brick wall with no way through, has now become a possibility of making a doorway through to something else.

There is still a long way to go but I now understand that there are ways forward and I have more information to help me with the next steps that I will need to take with my son.’

We plan on running both of these again on Zoom from September so get in touch to find out
more or visit the MAZE website to book online
times-may-2021/ when the new dates are released. It was lovely collaborating with Sue
again to deliver this!

ECF Funding in partnership with Youth Enquiry Service

We have now finished our first parent cohort who received x4 sessions BRIEF Solution Focused Therapy. 

Here is what they had to say about they gained from the service:

[su_quote style=”carbon”]It’s been so useful, michelle is amazing and has helped me so much to feel better and increase my confidence.[/su_quote]

[su_quote]I have just completed a parenting course with Michelle who I found to be engaging, motivational and a superb practitioner. The course was user friendly and enjoyable. I have learnt lots of new parenting strategies and now feel more confident moving forwards. I highly recommend this course to any parent. No matter what your parenting style is you will learn something about yourself and your family. Thank you Michelle.[/su_quote]

[su_quote]Since having my sessions with Michelle I’ve seen a great improvement in my relationship with my daughter, and also feel much happier and more settled in myself. These sessions have equipped me to handle more challenging situations in the future. I would definitely recommend Michelle to others who may be finding their parent-child relationship strained or challenging.[/su_quote]

[su_quote]This course was recommended to me by my son’s counsellor and it could not have come at a better time for us as a family. We have been through a difficult few weeks and Michelle’s sensitive and non-judgmental support has been invaluable.  I have learnt things about myself and about my parenting doing this work and my scores were dramatically improved by the end of the 4 sessions. This is a great short course with visible results. Thanks Michelle, I really appreciated this course and feel much more positive as a result of your wise and gentle support.[/su_quote]


How to navigate the SEND system.

We are excited to announce that we will be running our successful course “How to navigate the SEND system” again.

The new course is starting on Thursday 20th May from 1-2pm via Zoom.  Places cost £35 per family and booking is via the MAZE website here: https://www.themazegroup.co.uk/product/how-to-navigate-the-send-system-in-uncertain-times-april-2021/

The course will include:

An explanation of how the SEND system works:

  • The SEND stages
  • SEND law
  • The legal definition of Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • What rights children/young people and parent/carers have

How to have difficult conversations:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Empowerment

Practical strategies and “mindset” coaching

The course begins via Zoom on Thursday 20th May 2021 from 1-2pm and then every Thursday up to and including 8th July.

Cost = £35        Only 15 places available

Here is what previous parents had to say about what they gained from this course:

“I learned how to have a collaborative meeting and approach it calmly.”

“I am the expert on my child.”

“I have learned that there’s a lot of psychology involved in dealing with official people – try not to let confirmation bias reappear & I mustn’t give away my power!”

“I am more confident with professionals supporting my child.”

“I feel confident with the Annual Review process and now I need to get an effective One Plan review behind me. I’ve now got a great template, so I’ll be studying that when the time comes.”

“I think your course could help so many people. I have tried to keep myself well informed, but your course has changed my perspective on how I use that knowledge.”

There is a short video to explain this course further via this link:



We hope that you will join us for an essential learning journey on how to get the best SEND support for your child.

Sue and Michelle.

Denise Carroll joins the Find Your Spark Team

Denise Carroll joins Find Your Spark Team as Strategy & Programme Development Consultant.

Denise has obtained a BA in Behavioural Science; Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE); NLP Practitioner; and in more recent years studied Personal Performance Coaching and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Denise has primarily focused her career working within the charitable field. Her experience spans from on the ground design, and delivery of Education; Employability, Personal Development and Leadership programmes for those involved in crime, violence and social exclusion to Management of a charity leading a large multi-disciplinary team across an array of services (Boxing/Martial Arts; Education; Employability; Support Services; & Youth Leadership).

In most recent years, Denise has evolved into the world of consultancy – primarily working with organisations on two fronts:
1. To improve productivity, performance, and sustainability of their programmes and services and 2. Supporting organisation with the design and development of their Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and programmes.

Denise is passionate about supporting people and organisations to reach their full potential and believes quality lies in the core of creating great services and programmes that not only support people but creates sustainable, long- term, positive changes in people’s life.

Swithenbank Psychology Update

Swithenbank Psychology is an educational psychology service for families and schools, led by Aimee Swithenbank.

Aimee comes highly recommended, with over ten years’ experience working with children who have special educational needs, in both the local authority and private sector.

As a response to the pandemic, Aimee has fast-tracked the opening of her new assessment room in Lexden, Colchester, where she is currently welcoming children and young people for face-to-face assessments (under social distancing guidelines).

Aimee specialises in educational psychologist assessments for people aged 3 to 25 years.

  • Issues she can support with include:
  • Literacy (dyslexia) and maths (dyscalculia)
  • Learning and slow progress at school
  • Attention and regulation
  • Language, communication, and social skills
  • Managing emotions


Aimee takes referrals from schools and parents. As well as reasonably priced assessment packages as standard, she offers reduced rates for schools in the local area under her Colchester Community scheme.

For more information, please visit her website at: www.swithenbankpsychology.co.uk








BSF Therapy Support Update

Find your Spark have been working with parents one to one this year to help them with any issues they had.

The final session had with this particular parent showed that his scores have improved significantly, as shown in the image. 

He reports feeling better in himself, less stressed and less reactive and more understanding of his children/partner. 

The family is more united as a result! 

Find Your Spark have come to the end of helping first set of parents and are now looking to recruit next set of one to one parents to start end of October. 

Thanks to @essex_cf this is all fully funded and free for parents and you can self refer.

If interested or know someone who might be, please check this page for further information and to download a referral form

 email michelle@findyourspark.koala-digital.co.uk to express your interest and get the referral form.

Thank you! 

Virtual Thurrock Soup

Do you have an idea to make Thurrock better?

Join our Zoom and help us to fund the next great idea from inspiring local people who want to Make a better Thurrock! (There is £250 in the pot!)

Thursday 29th October from 7pm to start at 7.15pm

Register to attend for free and to get the zoom link on : www.virtualsoup.eventbrite.co.uk


New Triple P Partnership

Find Your Spark has partnered with Triple P as one of their providers.

Triple P is a parenting programme, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you.

They have put together a great resource on Parenting during COVID-19.

Have a read below.








You can find out more about Triple P here.

Spotlight on Aimee

Welcome Dr Aimee Swithenbank, Educational Psychologist (BSc Hons, DECPsy) to our team!

Aimee has worked in education for ten years, supporting children, young people and adults across the broad spectrum of need, including autism, speech and language, mental health, and learning difficulties.


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